Simulation of Backward-Wave Oscillation in Helix Traveling Wave Tube under Permanent Periodic Magnetic Focusing 周期永磁场作用下的螺旋线行波管非线性返波振荡分析
Study of suppressing backward-wave oscillation in a helix traveling wave tube 螺旋线行波管返波自激振荡的研究
Based on the beam-wave mode-coupling theory, a principle of gyrotron device utilizing a hybrid interaction scheme of Backward-Wave Oscillator, Klystron Ballistic-Bunching and Traveling-Wave Tube ( Gyro-BWO-KBB-TWT) is presented in this paper. 该文利用回旋管注-波模式耦合理论,提出了返波振荡-速调群聚-行波放大复合互作用回旋管工作原理。